An IOSH regulation has come to light, stating :
'By law, employers should assess the risk of people being affected by diesel fumes, and then work to either stop exposure or reduce it with suitable control measures'
Kings College London/Imperial research shows that levels of three of the most hazardous pollutants in diesel fumes are reduced by a significant one third when the shop door to the street is closed. Therefore an open door policy in areas with high levels of air pollution (found right across UK towns and cities and largely resulting from diesel combustion) appears to be in contravention of this regulation.
This is very important in the light of upwards of 30,000 UK annual deaths from air pollution. Contrasted with 1,700 deaths on the road. Those worst affected work on or near the street. Shop workers are in a most unenviable position, being largely low paid, fluid in the workforce and without much voice against outdated and inhumane policies such as a Head Office Open Door edict.
Many thousands of UK shops of all types and sizes already trade successfully with the door closed. Many thousands more do not; these are almost exclusively chain stores with an open door policy from Head Office.
With thanks to Matt Keen for unearthing the regulation.